Achieve A Running PR at Twilight 5000

For everyone who is always chasing after that runner’s high. Anyone who is looking to get their sweat on. From novice to experienced runners, everyone is encouraged to take part in the Washington DC Twilight 5000!
There is nothing quite as special as running and racing on a 5000 m track. Yes, no need to stretch the truth, 5000m is a lot of laps. But, this is also a prime opportunity to work on pacing and consistency- essential for chasing a personal record.
Each race will include pace groups, in order to help participants chase their own personal goals.
Additionally, there are two races per city. Any racer who participates in both races and then improves their timing in the second race will earn a commemorative PR patch.
Any racer who has been chasing a personal record, looking to increase your speed, or just interested in seeing what running on a track is all about, this event is for you!
The Washington DC Twilight 5000 race takes place on Friday, August 26 from 6 pm until 10 pm. Registration cost $30 per participant.