Inexpensive Ways to Celebrate Mother’s Day

Coming up on Sunday, May 8th is some people’s favorite holiday- Mother’s Day. For anyone who didn’t know that already, it’s probably because you already celebrate Mother’s Day every day! Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate and thank your mother for all of the hard work she does day in and day out.
A classic: breakfast in bed! There is no way to go wrong with this Mother’s Day staple. Whip up some of her favorite foods, made with love.
Give mom what she really wants this year: some peace & quiet! Let her sleep in and do some of the early-morning chores.
Do some extra work around the house! Maybe while your mom sleeps in, or goes out for a mani-pedi, let her walk back into a spotless home.
Help her out with some tech! Moms are not always the best with the latest technology, so take some time to answer all the questions she may have about the TV, her new cellphone, or tablet.
Mother’s Day does not have to be expensive or even elaborate, as long as your mother feels celebrated and especially loved on this day.