Girls on the Run DC is Inspiring Girls to Reach Their Full Potential and Change the World; Support this Cause by Participating in the Girls on the Run DC 5K

Girls have always been held to a high standard and our youth girls, in particular, are feeling the societal pressures naturally placed upon them. Let’s stop this unhealthy cycle and empower our girls to be who they are, and do great things in this world, unapologetically! The Girls on the Run organization teaches and inspires girls to be strong, powerful, and do great things in their lives.
On Sunday, May 22 be part of this change and register to run in the Girls on the Run DC 5k race. The event takes place at Anacostia Park and begins promptly at 8:00 AM, with the opportunity to partake in pre-race activities starting at 7:00 AM. If running isn’t for you, the organization can always use volunteers too! You can volunteer to coach a team, help out during the race or just be there for extra support.
Register online by going to and signing up for your spot in the race. Family members of a Girls on the Run DC program can register early for a discounted price, as long as registration is complete by April 24th.
Run, don’t walk, to the Girls on the Run DC 5k race this spring season, and support our girls!